Saturday 1 November 2014

Opening Sequence Analysis - Se7en

'Se7en' is a mystery thriller about two detectives that hunt for a serial killer by using the seven deadly sins. The movie is directed by David Fincher and stars Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey.

The movie begins with a close up shot of an open book. The pages turn and there is a shadow reflecting off of the book. This could suggest that the person turning the pages has a darker side to them. We can hear non-diegetic music that is very loud and the pace increases. This can suggest danger and crime to the audience.

 There is then a close up shot of a man holding a razor blade, attempting to cut off his finger prints. This could suggest that he has commit a crime and wants to get rid of the evidence.This immediately makes the audience aware of the genre that it is.

The music then changes to a squeaky sound and then there appears to be diegetic sounds such as heartbeats and electrical sounds.

The camera then jump cuts to a series of different close up shots of various objects. These suggest crime and murder which highlights to the audience what the movie will include.

The blacked out lines on the book and then black marker across the boys eyes could suggest that the protagonist wants to get rid of something. This may mean that the boy in the picture could be his next victim.

This shot shows the colour red and the boys face scribbled out. This could indicate that the colour red symbolises blood and the scribbled out face could symbolise the boy being killed.

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