Thursday 30 October 2014

Opening Sequence Analysis - Juno

Juno (2007)
Juno is a movie about a young girl that is faced with an unplanned pregnancy who makes an unusual decision about her unborn baby. The movie is directed by Jason Reitman and stars Ellen Page and Jennifer Garner.

The movie begins with an establishing shot of the main character. This allows the audience to see the setting and to understand more about the character. We can see that the character has messy hair and is drinking 'Sunny D' out of a big bottle. The expression she has on her face is laid back. This portrays her as careless and free.

The shot then jump cuts to a tracking shot which follows the character walking. Non diegetic music starts to play as the shot follows her. The music is light hearted and happy (All I want is you - Barry Louis Polisar). This mirrors her personality. After this, some people jogging, jog past the tracking shot which can indicate the stereotypical American High School boys such as 'jocks'. This can indicate to the audience that the setting is at a teenage school.

As Juno Walks behind the tree, the other side of the tree looks like it has been drawn. This can emphasise her feelings but also show that she is withdrawn from everyone else as if she is in her own world. The font of each film credit looks hand drawn, adding to the cartoon effect of the opening sequence,

Throughout the entire of the opening sequence, the audience watches Juno walk through her suburban streets with a bottle of 'Sunny D' in a cartoon type of drawing.

The audience gets a full view from this shot of what Juno is wearing. It is clear she is wearing a red hoody, dark jeans, trainers and a stripy black top which can highlight that the character may be a tomboy. The clothes are baggy and unflattering which is very different to a stereotypical girl. However this may indicate that she does not want people looking at her body and is not shallow or vain.

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