Thursday 9 October 2014

Short film Shots

The film begins with a long shot of the student walking down the corridor towards her classroom. This is then followed up by an over the shoulder shot of the student knocking on the door. Then there is a point of view shot of the teacher sniffing the drugs. This is then made dramatic by adding a close up shot of the teacher. The over the shoulder shot of the student knocking on the door is repeated again, highlighting how the student has to knock a second time, for the teacher to notice. After this, there is another close up shot of the teacher to show the audience the teachers reaction. Furthermore, the next shot is a medium close up of the student walking into the classroom, following by a long shot of her walking around, looking for her work. This is then zoomed into a close up shot to show the student finding the drugs and then an extreme close up of the actual drugs. This adds more drama and suspension to the film.
Then, there is a long shot of the teacher exiting the cupboard and then asking the student what she is doing. The student then responds to the teacher walking towards the drugs. After, there is an over the shoulder shot of the drugs on the floor, which is then followed by a medium long shot of the student looking down at the drugs. This then ends, which can add affect and leave the audience thinking.

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